
The "SHS Santé" platform is organizing, jointly with the Triangle Laboratory and the MITI of the CNRS, and with the support of the MSH Lyon Saint-Etienne, the conference "Environmental and occupational health: from data to evidence", which will be held on June 12 and 13 at Sciences Po Lyon.



The access to the conference is free but registration is mandatory before Monday, May 29th, 2023.


The links between health and the environment pose major challenges, both for research and for society at large. The accumulation of chemical pollutants in living and working environments, the increasing urbanization of the planet, climate change, the degradation of soil quality, and the accumulation of waste, among other examples, are mobilizing a wide variety of scientific actors and stakeholders who seek to produce diagnoses, predict future changes, and develop technical and political solutions.

The objective of this conference is to draw up research perspectives likely to better comprehend the stakes in environmental health and to identify the possible gaps in scientific knowledge that would justify the intensification of research efforts. The focus will be both to present a panorama of existing research on these issues and to identify their limitations: What data do we need on chemical pollution? How should they be measured? With what objectives? To answer these questions, the conference will be based on a specific case study: perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS). These chemicals are used on a massive scale and have the distinctive feature of not degrading after use or release into the environment. They are now the subject of increasing media and political attention, as well as scientific research projects and citizen actions.

This two-day international conference follows the one organized by the SHS Health platform from October 24 to 26, 2022 on "Risks, crises and human and social sciences: towards inclusive health-environment-work observatories" on the Condorcet Campus in Aubervilliers. It will provide an opportunity to compare experiences and research conducted abroad, particularly in Italy and the United States, with initiatives developed in France in cooperation with stakeholders.



Access to the campus, see the map here


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